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Uses of magnesium oxide


  Animal feed

For a wide range of enzymatic functions of the organism, magnesium is an important element. Therefore, magnesium oxide is often added to mineral feeds with a grain size that should be suitable for the feed mixture and the reactivity is adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, magnesium oxide is an important additive for dairy substitutes and is an effective substance to prevent convulsions in cattle grazing on pastures with low magnesium content.


Magnesium as part of the chlorophyll molecule is of great importance for plants. Therefore, magnesium oxide is an essential component of mineral fertilizers. Problems with trees and soil caused by acid rain have also led to the use of magnesium oxide in this field. The low solubility of magnesium oxide and magnesium carbonate allows a longer effective time for acid binding and fertilizer application.

Wastewater treatment

Sewage or wastewater containing ammonia and/or phosphate can be treated in an environmentally friendly way using the MAP process (magnesium ammonium phosphate). By adding magnesium oxide to the effluent, ammonia and phosphate will precipitate due to the insolubility of magnesium ammonium phosphate. Crystalline precipitation is a slow-soluble fertilizer that can be used as a valuable alternative to traditional nitrate fertilizers.

  Construction Materials

Magnesium oxide cements are used in...


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