The main technical operating conditions and process indexes of the process of producing nickel and c
Feb 3, 20231 min read
The residual solution of copper and cobalt ore after leaching and copper extraction contains high iron and manganese, and direct cobalt sinking will reduce the cobalt grade of the product. Therefore, before the cobalt sinking process, the impurities such as iron and manganese must be removed.At a higher pH, some of the cobalt will precipitate together with iron and manganese plasma, resulting in loss of valuable cobalt, while the pH value for hydrolysis precipitation of high-valent iron and manganese plasma is low. The iron removal process uses slaked lime as the neutralizing agent and air and sulfur dioxide as the oxidizing agent to oxidize and precipitate low valent iron and manganese ions, and the reaction is as follows:The iron slag produced by the filtering process is inevitably accompanied by a small amount of cobalt sulfate solution, so the iron slag washing process is set up, and